What we know is a drop. What we don't know is an ocean.
2016-currentTech lead on Kibana. Data analytics, search, visualizations, pluggable infrastructure. Exponential growth. Javascript, Typescript, React, Angular, Node.js, Github
2015-2016Small, local marketing company. First job as a mom. ASP.net, Javascript, React, Typescript. Thought I wanted a small pond. Ended up looking for a bigger one.
Adwords Editor. C++, Javascript, Qt. One of the few rare desktop applications at Google.
2007-2008First start up. First post college job. Three engineers, two owners. Java, text analytics. Went the way of many start ups.
National Security Agency
2006-2007If I told you, I'd have to kill you.
SUNY Albany
2004-2006BS & MS in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics. Valedictorian. Came back for a commencement speech around 2012.
SUNY Oneonta
2002-2004Started in Fashion Design! Ended in CS.